OISCA to Spearhead Installation of Water System in Inner Mongolia

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May 30, 2012

On the 11th of May 2012, OISCA headed by Mr. Satoshi Togashi spearheaded the installation of water system through digging of wells in Alashan, Inner Mongolia. Financially supported by Toyota Foundation, the activity is part of the OISCA project to combat the desertification problems in Inner Mongolia particularly in Alashan.

The wells will be used as water source to ensure the survival of the planted Haloxylon ammodendron (sousou) that serves as host to Cistanche deserticola (medicinal plant and a parasite to the sousou plant). The Cistanche deserticola when harvested and sold to the market often serve as one source of income of the community.

As the wells been dug and now are functioning, OISCA is expecting that it will help for the further improvement of the anti-desertification project, improvement of livelihood and enhancing community relations among the people in Alashan as they are the ones who are directly involved in the actual reforestation activity and digging of wells.

Aware of the water level uncertainty in the Alashan desert, OISCA is hoping that through the collaborative efforts of the local residents, the installed wells will be utilized effectively.


The actual process of well installation in Inner Mongolia.